Tuesday, 3 May 2011

What our trailer will include

After we came up with the plot of our trailer it was then time to figure out what shots we were definintly going to use, the sound we wanted to use, who the characters were and who would play them, the setting and the editing & effects we would use after we had shot our trailer.

Where sound is concerned we wanted to challenge the normal sound tracks you find in a horror film. The sounds you usually will hear in horror is screaming, noises that are made by weapons such as knifes, guns etc. The music tends to be quiet, high pitched notes continueusly being played; this music is quite disturbing as it doesnt sound natural and prepares the audience for a fright and this instantly tells the audience its a horor film. However, as we have decided to subvert away from that and create a more urban horror trailer we have used a rock soundtrack with lyrics that inspire violence and mayhem, which are conventions of horror but I dont think this may be as successful if we were to use this instead of something more fitting to the horror genre.

Our trailer will be using todorovs narrative theory of equilibrium. Equilibrium -> Disruption -> Recognition -> Action -> New Equilibrium

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