Monday 16 May 2011

Poster draft and final version

Above are the first and second attempt of the horror posters which my group and I created. From the criticism we took when we displayed our first poster to the audience who also viewed our trailer we then adapted on it and made it even better. On our first attempt at the poster you can see that the images are too far apart in order for it to be counted as a whole image, parts of the text do not stand out as they are supposed to, the date in which the film comes out is not diplayed clearly this is a main factor on a poster when you are trying to get your target audience to view your film the same goes for the website address. The age rating is not postioned in the right place on the poster; it being placed next to the title doesnt make it seem to be very clear as all the attentoin for the film up there is being drawn towards the film title.

The improvements made to this poster is that we included white text much like the magazine we stuck to the same colours and it links to the whole idea of conventions of horror film posters. The colouring of the logo was changed as well so that it fits in with the horror genre. The images are now closer together so that its the main focal point of the poster. The credit list includes all the cast and the age rating is placed at the bottom so when looking at the poster you can easly signify that the film is an age rating of fifteen as nothing along that bottom row stands out more.

Group Magazine Final Front Cover

This is our final front cover to our horror magazine.

As you can see we revised the old one and made extensive changes that were necessary according to our audience feedback.

First the colour yellow has been completely removed and replaced with red and white to make look a more realistic horror magazine. The text has also been spread out more so there is less empty space and more information our audience can read into. The title was changed to "Horrorscope" in red and bold capital letters, appealing to our audience.

The image was made much bigger to become the center of attention of our magazine and this would hopefully attract the audience; the person on the front cover is also black and this taps into post modernism and attracts our target audience further.

Group Magazine First Cover

Our original magazine front cover received quite a lot of negative feedback mainly saying it didn't look realistic enough, the text was too cramped, colours weren't conventional of horror, our magazine title wasn't good enough and the image was poor. This for me is quite unfair because after looking at many Rue Morgue magazine front covers, they look quite similar to this.

For example we were told yellow wasn't a colour for horror yet after looking at Rue Morgue, they make extensive use of the colour yellow and this a magazine that specialises in horror in all forms so this must mean a professional magazine is getting it wrong along with us.

The title was also apparently unreadable from a distance so it had to changed to look clearer and our text on the left was indeed too cramped and so that needed to be edited. The image also was too small and there was too much empty space but this was improved on in our newer front cover.

How we used social media

We used social media in order to promote our trailer and to gain feedback from the audience.

We used the social network site Facebook to attract our target audience. We uploaded our work onto a group we created in order to receive feedback in our inbox's, on the groups wall or on the chat service the website provides.

We also used youtube to upload our trailer, which may gain some attention if our advertisement of Facebook goes well. However, with Facebook we can upload all our work and drafts easily and feedback is obtained faster so Facebook is the preferred social media site.

We did try to use Humyo to create a podcast evaluation, however the website was no longer accepting new membership so we improvised and done a  recorded evaluation which we stuck on our DVD and uploading it to websites;  another pro over the podcast.

Effects in our trailer

We used effects in our trailer to heighten the sense of fear and to catch the eye of the audience.

We used the effect of having blood dripping down the screen, splattering on the floor and creating our credits. This was effective because blood is essential in horrors and our feedback from the audience was great many saying that it was a clever and effective idea.

We also filmed a scene where we had Miles can outfits and we turned the lights on and off rapidly showing two sides of him, dark and light (another effect the audience was impressed with). This was tweaked a bit to make the background darker/ lighter where we were tampering with the lights.

Fade outs were also used to create suspense with darkness being conventional in horrors because darkness is associated with evil, madness and mystery.

Questionaire Feedback

Questionaire & Link To Facebook

. How old are you?

. What sex are you?

.Do you like our choice of music in our trailer?

.Were there any parts you found scary in our trailer?

.Was the editing in our film trailer up to a considerable standard?

.Explain what we could have improved on?

.Would you pay to go and see this film if it viewed in the cinemas?

.Do you think the story line for the trailer is good?

.Do you like the name of the film trailer?

.What did you like the most about the film trailer?

Link to facebook :